Bait Al Mashura Journal has released its 21st issue

Mashura Journal 21

Bait Al Mashura Journal has released its twenty-first issue, featuring a collection of specialized scientific research in the field of Islamic economics and finance. The issue includes a study on the legal reasoning and jurisprudential rules in ruling on contemporary forms of commercial flooding, as well as a study on integrating behavioral economics insights into public policies, focusing on the experience of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Additionally, it includes an analysis of the technical efficiency of conventional insurance companies and cooperative insurance in Qatar, a study on the principle of Sultan Al-Iradah in Hanbali jurisprudence compared to Qatari civil law, and a study on social investment from the perspective of Islamic economics. The issue also features a study in English on deploying chatbots based on artificial intelligence to maximize the value and profitability of Islamic financial institutions.

We hope that researchers and specialists will contribute to the development of the journal through their valuable suggestions and opinions, asking Allah for success and guidance. . You can access the contents of the issue and download the research papers for free through the following link:

To participate in the upcoming issue, please submit your research to the journal’s email:

“Please note that the journal is non-profit and does not charge any publication fees from researchers.”

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